Open the PowerPoint presentation, and on the Title Bar, click on “Insert” >“Audio.” Then, you can click on “Audio on My PC.” If you are using PowerPoint 2010, you can select the “Audio From File” option. No matter if you have a newer version, or Office 2010, you can learn to add music to PowerPoint. And depending on the PowerPoint version you use, there is a different way to add music. How to Add Music to PowerPointīy following these steps, you can add music to PowerPoint and play it automatically when a certain slide appears.
So do you want to know how to do that? Well, this post gives you a guide on how to add music to PowerPoint so that you can have any natural sound in your presentation.
For example, if you show a presentation about nature, related to the background music of falling leaves or any other sound leaves and trees make, you can make the trees keep chatter all night long. Music is a great asset for the presentation, making your presentation more attractive.